Live monkey brain
World's Scariest Food

Popis: If you're just a little bit sensitive, stop reading and go to another place on the map. This will be really graphic! There are people who enjoy eating monkey's brain. It is served directly in the skull of a monkey that is still alive or where the cook has just killed it prior to serving. The simian brain begins to shut down a few minutes after the death of the animal giving it a bitter taste. The monkey is usually strapped down rendering it virtually immobile. Using the knife, the skull of the monkey is sliced. The top of the skull is cracked open further to allow easy access for the guest to start eating. The fresh brain is not very strong in flavour and tastes like tofu. In Indonesia, monkeys are stunned by a stroke stick. In Vietnam, they are made more docile by getting them drunk with sweet rice wine while they wait in their cage.
The monkey brain is offered, for example, in a restaurant in Kunming in the Chinese province of Yunan. The chef uses a noose to hang the still living animal by the neck. The dead weight of the monkey against the noose means it doesn't even make a sound. The chef then opens the skull and immediately brings the customer to the table.
- Marc A.
- 2024-09-19T22:19:28.456810+00:00
- Absolutely awful you deserve the death penalty, monkeys are like children your like pedofiles absolutely disgraceful I hope you get eaten alive with your skulls open. For a death sentence cunts.
- Ms K.
- 2023-06-09T01:56:34.366560+00:00
- For those who don't believe in this I can assure you it is a real thing. My father was in the Navy many many years ago (He's 65 now for context). I can't remember what country he said he went to but he saw it happen first hand. He told us that there were tables that had a hole in the middle of them and clasps. They would open the table up and put the monkey's neck in the hole clip the table closed and then they would take a mallet and crack the monkey's skull open to eat. He said he's never been so disgusted in his life. I can't say I blame him.
- Henry E.
- 2023-03-30T14:53:12.594246+00:00
- It’s not “scary” but awfully cruel and unjust to eat an innocent, and defenseless animal’s brain while still alive. Humans are by far the cruelest and dangerous animals on earth!
- Ashly M.
- 2022-07-24T17:59:38.117179+00:00
- Oh BTW I live just on the other side of Juarez Mexico and know it's also true.. for any who don't believe me. =)
- Ashly M.
- 2022-07-24T17:58:28.394582+00:00
- It is true and footage does exist. Anyone remember faces of death vidoes? Over 25 to 30 years I remember watching how this happens. They Crack the monkey over the head with a mallet and just eat. It might be done differently now, more "humanely " if that's what you wanna call it. Getting the animals drunk. I don't like this either but it is true and has been done. Just like they eat cats/dog in Juarez Mexico
- Purple P.
- 2021-12-23T16:36:29.102662+00:00
- jack W. - there is no proof at all saying that we become something when we die, when we die were dead.
- Jack W.
- 2021-12-11T18:43:29.730571+00:00
- That person who serve live monkey they don't understand pain of that animal , one time u become money then that monkey become human and they cut ur head , karma cycle one day serve ur head on dish tabke don't worry , non humanity with Monkey . My moond for curse u but leave it karma crush that person futures and death also do t worry
- Ken F.
- 2021-03-23T03:33:20.757616+00:00
- This is simply untrue. Eating live monkey brain is a myth. No one has ever been able to photograph it is definitively document it. Videos on YouTube are all fake.
Eating monkey is illegal in China and both the restaurant staff and customers would be liable for a minimum 10 years behind bars.
Please stop spreading anti-Chinese racist myths.
- Ana G.
- 2021-03-21T22:52:01.196327+00:00
- É verdade. Presenciei isso na viagem que fizemos ao Vietnam e fiquei quase 1 dia chorando. É um horror ver isso na frente dos nossos olhos. Se é oara comerem um ser vivo, que a morte seja o menos dolorido possível e não rindo dos berros e gritos que o bebê macaco dá nessa prática culinaria dos Vietnamitas, Chineses e países do Leste Asiático
- Madelyn H.
- 2021-02-17T05:23:06.297175+00:00
- Faces of Death is fictional
- Phil G.
- 2021-01-23T09:27:10.660193+00:00
- The Chinese deserve to have people believing they do this even if it is untrue.
- Tara K.
- 2020-07-22T20:34:58.823008+00:00
- Yes, it is a real thing. I watched the video Faces Of Death many years ago and it showed a table full of people eating the brains. Out of a love monkey. It was horrific!!
- xxaleenazxx
- 2020-01-26T02:28:28.601606+00:00
- There's no evidence this is a real thing
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